The Insights (Cyber Security Tips for Employees)

Get the best cyber security tips on phishing and security awareness training, delivered straight to your inbox.

Stay protected online with our essential cyber security tips. Our blog covers a range of cyber security awareness training topics, including data protection, cyber hygiene, online safety, Artificial Intelligence, IOT, secure browsing, password management, and identifying phishing scams. Also, each post provides actionable advice from cybersecurity experts to help you safeguard your personal and professional information.

At SyberNow our mission is to make humans the strongest defense against cybercrime. Hence, regularly we keep posting content with the latest in cyber security tips trends, as it will help learn how to implement best practices in your daily digital activities. Our cyber security tips for employees and individuals are designed to keep you safe in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Contact us for a demo to learn more.

  • Information Security Training
    Information Security Training vs Phishing Awareness Training
    Sybernow Team

    Security Culture

  • Security Culture
    Security Culture: 5 Initiatives Every Organization Needs
    Sybernow Team

    Security Culture

  • SyberNow Phishing Awareness
    Cybersecurity Phishing Awareness
    Sybernow Team


  • HRM Feature
    Human Risk Management: Transforming Employees into Your Strongest Cybersecurity Asset
    Sybernow Team


  • ISO27001 Compliance Training
    Enhance Cyber Resilience with ISO 27001 Aligned Information Security Awareness Training
    Sybernow Team


  • Cybersecurity Topics
    15 Essential CyberSecurity Awareness Training Topics for 2024 to Protect Your Business
    Sybernow Team


  • Employee training
    Importance of CyberSecurity Awareness Training
    Sybernow Team
